What is the real connection between watches and mental health? Is there a benefit for someone struggling with mental health to have a watch? A more succinct and to the point answer can be found in our FAQ , but these questions are important enough to have their own dedicated blog post.
The construct of time helps us answer these questions. There isn’t a real need to explain the parallels between time and watches, but more insight can be provided to the parallels between time and mental health. We’ve all heard quotes such as “time heals all wounds” and “things will get better with time”, and this is no coincidence. I’ll share my personal story to help provide some clarity.
Numerous years ago, there was a period in my life where my mental health was at its absolute worst. Personal issues had come into my life in which there was no obvious solution. My inability to control these issues manifested into an extremely toxic mindset where I was constantly bombarding myself with negativity and that I might as well get used to this feeling, because it was here to stay.
I was constantly wishing that I could be the person I was before developing these mental struggles and trying to cope with the fact that I was going to live the rest of my life in this broken state because I had no control over my own mind. I was jealous of everybody around me that seemed to be living a normal life and wished I could be in their “care-free” shoes, even though some of those people likely had issues of their own that I had no idea about. It was a difficult and long journey.
Sebastian Wasilik, photographed for Guelph Mercury
Mental Health & The Need For Change
There was a point however where I knew I needed to change. I accepted the challenge and began from square one. I employed as many resources as I could from journaling to exercising. At first, everything seemed futile. There was one constant in this process however, and that constant was time. As I battled through this anxious and difficult state of mind, I eventually gained solace in the fact that every second that ticked by on a clock was bringing me closer to my goal of bettering my mental health.
Sometimes having that reminder is all we need to keep trying to better ourselves in whatever way we can. This reason is also why Exodus offers free engraving. It’s important to have goals or affirmations written out and Exodus emphasizes that. We want Exodus to be the connection between your goals and you, so that every second that passes by on your personalized Exodus, is one second that brings you closer to a better you. Your time is now.
To read more about Exodus Watch Co and Sebastian's journey, check out this article in the Guelph Mercury
Exodus Watch Company